Nyingtob Ling Tibetan Handicapped Children’s Craft Home

Nyingtob Ling Students Art Selected in International Art Exhibition and Art Festival

Nyingtob Ling is proud to announce that two students’ art work has has been selected to be featured in Japanese calendars for the year of 2009.


The International Art Exhibition held in Japan had art from 23 different countries and more than 1000 children’s  art was displayed. The exhibition provided the opportunity for public opinion to choose the best art featuring an important moral explanation of the work.

Nyingtob Ling is very proud because our students of special needs were competitive against children from around the world who are from regular educational institutions. This accomplishment is exceptional in that our students flourish in the arts given the challenges they face with learning disabilities.

Nyingtob Ling in the past has presented the student’s art in other countries such as in the United States, Australia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and many other countries for exhibition. In the United States the Arc of Baltimore Art Museum has featured the Nyingtob Ling art over years past. They have been awarded certificates as members and partners of the important service to individuals with development disabilities for the incredible art work produced by the Tibetan students.


Nyingtob Ling’s art continues to be featured throughout the world at  exhibitions and festivals to show support to the efforts of the craft home and development of the self esteem and confidence of the students.

If you have interest in exhibiting the arts of the students or supporting the continued efforts of Nyingtob Ling please contact



Strength’s Perspective with Special Needs Tibetans

Posted in Nyingtob Ling by nyingtobling on January 19, 2009

The children at Nyingtob Ling are empowered through the strength’s perspective theory. The focus on arts provides the children an opportunity to expand upon the areas in which they excel. The emphasis on arts adds a dimension of confidence and encouragement for continued growth. The idea of building the individual’s self esteem through art is what keeps the children smiling.

Please see photos taken during the summer of  2009 as students of the Nyingtob Ling are active in art classes.

The contents of this site inculde the buttons listed on the right that will give you infromation taken directly from the institues brochure. Although we in the United States tend to not use the word handicapped please keep in mind this is a project directed towards the empowerment of individuals with disabiltiies. As others get involved through support and feedback the institution will have much more opportunity for growth and development.

If you have suggestions or wish to provide much needed support for the institute please see the link on the right listed as To Sum Up for contact information. Thank you and please keep these children in mind as they need resources to facilitate the necessaary care they so deserve.